Saturday 2 February 2013

Smiles are Gone

    It seems that Jacob's lost the ability to smile :(  For the previous month, we've been watching closely for that beaming happy face again.  He gave Caleb a few quick smiles after his last repite admission.   We always cherished those smiles, and now they're gone.  Those giggles warmed our heart, and now to have them gone is heart breaking.  So often amid the difficult times, he would still smile, giving us so much joy!!!  This past week, he's been overal content, but still providing us with no smiles.  We're really hoping that it's not a sign of the brain regressing!!
Thankfully we captured a few of his last smiles.  He LOVES his Oma!! 
 Taken the last week in December.

1 comment:

  1. What a treasure, He is such a sweet boy. We all need the reminder of thankfulness more than once in our lives, and this is forsure a very positive reason to be thankful. Praying for all of you! See you soon.
