Friday 11 July 2014

Summer Days

Well, this week as I was discussing with a medical professional how the summer affects our family life and explaining how much easier my life becomes, he quickly exclaimed 'I've never heard a mom say that before, let alone, a mom of 4 kids.'  I LOVE the summer days of having the kids home.  They are such a big help in so many respects.  It truly makes my life so much easier!!
Not only do I love having the kids home, so does Jacob!!  The floor is his favorite place as he feels the vibrations from his siblings.  When they leave the house to play outside, he often becomes whiny!!  He's become so aware of his surroundings.  It's truly beautiful to see.

Sound asleep, or maybe just pretending :)

What a treat to have Ashley come back for a day shift to play with Jacob.  The first thing she did upon her arrival was to get on the floor right beside him and start playing/talking with him.  What a blessing to have her still involved with us!!

One example of how our life becomes easier when the kids are around.  They are often the babysitters!!  On this particular day, Jacob was quite out of sorts for some reason.  Even though it was super muggy that day, it was a last resort to take him outside.  I truly did not know what else to do with him!!   He loved it and...his lungs became super clear.  So unpredictable!!  Sheryl was quite pleased that she could watch her brother :)

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